Mason Jar Christmas Snow Globes
Handcrafted Snow Globes
Don't you think our great-grandmothers would be astounded at the way we've elevated the status of the humble mason jar?
We've taken it from an object of simply function, to one of also form.
Mason jars have become the main attraction in wedding and home decor these days. Wow. Makes you wonder what our great grandchildren will be collecting, doesn't it?
Ever since Anthropologie came out with their Mason Jar Snow Globe a few years ago, every DIYer out there has been making these...and I've been no exception.
They are just so sweet to look at, and each one is unique.
It all depends on the type of trees you use as well as the way you embellish your jar.
I also found the trick was not to add too much 'snow'..just a little bit. A little goes a long way. And a good shake of silver and/or clear glitter adds wonderful sparkle to the jars and makes everything shimmer.
A jingle bell tied around the jar is sweet because when you shake the jar to 'make it snow', you hear a jingle at the same time :)
Attention to detail is one of my faults strengths...I went a step further and added a fun paper decoration to the top of some of the jars.
Little jars, big jars...they all look wonderful decorated in this way. Next year, I want to make a giant one. Target sells a jumbo mason jar that would be perfect for a snow village...maybe a tiny cottage nestled in amongst the trees...
Thank you so much for letting me share these past 11 days! Can you believe it's Christmas Eve? I hope it's snowy and white where you live...TN is a toss-up...we are hoping, but it has been in the high 50's this week, so it's not looking good for snow.
I have one more handcrafted DIY to share with you tomorrow...and then I'm going to take a much-needed break from blogging for a few days and enjoy time with my family. But I'll be back in the New Year and I hope you'll join me :)
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Feathered Nest Friday

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