Laundry Room Makeover Reveal

A farmhouse laundry room makeover, completed in just 5 weeks, for under $100! Come see all the projects we tackled to turn our beige nightmare into a bright and fresh space!
laundry room makeover
Today is the day I get to share my laundry room reveal with y'all! The past 5 weeks of this makeover challenge flew by and I am so happy to have another room done! And just so you know...this wasn't my first rodeo! The laundry room in our previous home got a farmhouse update as well, with quite a few more DIY projects that this one, including an antique door. It was also completed on a tight budget, less than $200; you can view that post here.

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There were definitely some challenges along the way including allergies, a sinus infection, and issues with paint. However, good things come to those who wait...and work hard...right?

We all hate ugly pictures, but to really appreciate how far we've come in the past 5 weeks with this makeover, we need to take a little look back at where we started.

Wow, I forgot just how bad it was! The laundry room was a disaster zone, with tons of junk and a kaleidoscope of mismatched colors. Messy is an understatement! I hated being in this room!

If you happened to miss the progress on this room, and you want to catch up on each week's project, you can do so by clicking these links:

Week 1  |    Week 2   |    Week 3   |    Week 4  |   Week 5

This was my inspiration image for the laundry room, a soothing farmhouse palette of black and white with texture and minimal color.
Let's see how I did.

Welcome to my 'new and improved' laundry room.

From the moment you walk through the door, this room oozes farmhouse charm!

The walls and cabinet were painted, and a new shelf hung above the washer and dryer. The wall-mounted cabinet was lowered about 4 inches to accommodate my height.

This means I can actually reach inside...which goes a long way to keeping the room organized!

I brought in a vintage sewing machine table that I've had forever. It fits perfectly between the washer and the door.

It's one of those pieces that's a little wonky...but sweet and charming in its imperfection! It provides an extra surface to lay stuff on.  

A couple months ago I got a great deal on this basket because the handles were broken off. It was too big for the plant I was hoping to put in it, so after repairing the handle, I repurposed it as a laundry basket, created a "dirties" tag to help my family (😉) and it slides right underneath the sewing table!

I hung the hand-painted laundry definition sign that I made for our last home above the sewing table. 

Across from the machines I hung an antique window. I wanted something decorative on this wall, but it needed to be really flat because the space is tight. We don't want anyone bumping their head when they're working on the laundry!

Using my Silhouette machine, I cut out this amazing laundry room design (purchased from the Silhouette Design Store) from black craft vinyl and adhered it to the middle pane.

I love that antique-style clothespin!

Did you notice that quirky little cabinet right inside the door to your right? I purchased it from a thrift store years ago. For this room makeover, I gave it a quick update with spray paint and chalk paint, and added some baskets for better storage.

I love using baskets for storage because they're attractive as well as functional and they add great texture to a room. Numbering the baskets means that everything has it's place. 

I'll be sharing a separate tutorial for this project soon. Update: read it here

Now when Mr DIY is looking for the furniture moving pads, I can say, "They're in the number 2 basket in the laundry room". Easy!

We took down the old hooks because they really weren't my style. In it's place I hung a board with black hooks. All the brooms and mops that aren't used on a daily basis were relocated to the garage, which is just off the laundry room.

I love how neat it looks! A Command hook on the back of the door holds this fabric laundry bag (a HomeGoods score a couple years ago). I use it to corral my plastic bags.

So just how much did it take to make over this laundry room?

Let me show you where the money went!


  • $2.97 saw tooth hanger
  • $2.50 switch plate covers
  • $3.23 caulk
  • $18.39 laundry basket
  • $32.47 baskets
  • $7.57 craft vinyl
  • $3.34 wall hook
  • $5.41 flat black spray paint
  • $.74 Silhouette design 

Grand total - $76.62!

Yes, I came in well under the $100 budget! Which is pretty impressive for this laundry room. I definitely could have spent more money, but I didn't want to clutter up the space.

I was able to keep the cost down by using many things I already had...that goes for supplies (paint, etc) as well as decorative accessories.

I hope that this room makeover has inspired you! If so, please feel free to PIN this image for future reference!

My favorite part of this laundry room makeover is how pretty it is now! Everything has a place, so it will be easy to keep organized. And best of all, I really don't mind being in this room now!

I'd love to know what your favorite part of this room makeover is!

bringing beauty to the ordinary, 


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  1. I love it all! But I think my favorite part is the wood shelf above the machines. It adds so much warmth and "color" the the white space. The sewing machine cabinet is awesome too.
    :) gwingal

  2. Your makeover is just so beautiful , I fell in love with everything you did . The sewing machine cabinet is so sweet and would be perfect any where that you would put it . I will be redoing my wash room or should I say space just hope my comes out just as beautiful as yours .

    1. Awww, your comments made my day! Thank you! I'm sure your space will be beautiful.

  3. This came out wonderfully! I love the quirky little cabinet by the door! I wish I could find one of them! I redid my laundry room last year and documented it for my blog, but haven't posted it yet! There's just something about the farmhouse feel that warms my soul! I actually don't mind doing laundry now!

    1. Thank you so much Michele, I completely agree...the farmhouse style feels like home!

  4. What a bright clean space! I'd love a laundry room like this. Great work!

    1. Thanks Jess, I was SO happy to cover all the beige!

  5. This space is such a huge improvement. I love your style, and I wouldn't mind doing some laundry in this space!

    1. Hey Nicki, it's a pleasure to work in a pretty space ☺ Thanks so much for your sweet comments!

  6. This is beautiful! I love the shelf above the washer and dryer for extra decorative and storage space! I may have to do the same!

    1. Thank you, I love inspiring others to take another look at their own spaces! Good luck with your shelf!

  7. I'm not sure what kind of magic you worked but that is NOT the same room! I love how bright it is! I bet doing laundry will be just a little easier now (well, as easy as laundry ever is!)

    1. Isn't it amazing what paint can do? Thank you so much Betsy and you're right, not only do I not mind doing the laundry (as much) but the room is staying neat!

  8. It looks SO good! I can't believe you did that all for $76!!! Amazing!

  9. Wow! This is the most beautiful laundry room. I cant believe you did it all for only $100.

  10. I am totally in love with this laundry room. Every single detail is gorgeous. Such a huge change from what it looked like just a few weeks ago. I'm so glad you joined the challenge... and then came in under budget! Enjoy that laundry room!

    1. Thanks Erin, I was surprised I stayed under budget...helps to hoard paint and supplies!

  11. What a change! And your antique window... totaly in love with it! Very nice job!

  12. Oh my goodness! I love your "new" laundry room. It is so fresh and bright ~ a perfect place for doing all those loads of laundry!

  13. I can't believe you did that for less than $100! It looks so gorgeous now!

  14. How do one choose just one thing or maybe two, when everything, to me, is so so fabulous. Excellent job!

  15. You did such a great job in this space! I would like to share one picture, with a link back, for a favorites post I am currently writing. Is that OK with you?


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