How to Make a Fun Front Door Mat

Follow this tutorial to make a custom door mat for your front door!

DIY door mat
I married a funny guy!

Mr DIY not only loves to tease and tell jokes...

...he has an uncanny ability to find the weirdest, strangest...sometimes humorous (depending on my mood) trivia and other little-known factoids 🌝 

For the last several months, Mr DIY has been posting #yearofthetaco stuff on FB. Check it out, you'll see what I mean. Some are just the human nacho spa treatment...others make me hungry...still other posts are just plain weird.

We were standing in the middle of IKEA recently, amongst the plain coir door mats, and he asked if I could make him a taco door mat, just like one he'd seen that said "YOU BETTER HAVE TACOS".

So what did I do?

What could I do...

...I made him a door mat!

It's fun (and cute) and we always get comments on it...from the pizza delivery the UPS the door-to-door salesmen!

(although no one has actually brought us tacos yet 😕)

I'm sharing the tutorial so you can make your own FUN front door mat.

DIY front door mat  |  diy beautify

What's so great about a DIY doormat? 

Isn't it totally obvious? You get to be creative, and make it unique (and funny) for your family and friends to enjoy!

You can totally customize your DIY doormat...pick your colors, your font, and make it say whatever you would like! Like a 'family saying' that is unique to just you and yours.

Plus, it's often cheaper to make your own! I made my doormat for just over $10! I think you'll find that is a significant savings over the pre-made doormats on the market!

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*Note: if you don't own a die cut machine, you can still make a fun door mat! You can use sticker 'negatives', making sure to keep your design short and simple! Or, you can create your design in a word processing program, print it out and use a craft knife to cut the letters out (this is how I used to make all my DIY signs!)

supplies needed for DIY door mat


I used my Silhouette machine to cut out my saying for my door mat. 

I experimented with both vinyl (which is sticky) as well as regular card stock. What I found was that it was very difficult to get either to stick well, even with the use of tape! 

I recommend using a spray adhesive to adhere your stencils or paper to get the crispest lines! 

tape stencil to mat

spray paint stencil

You can see in the above picture that I ended up with some over-spray between the letters. That's because my vinyl words would not stick well. 

Designer tip: Use paint and a brush for precise words!

As far as tutorials go, this one is easy because that is it! Place your pattern down, paint it and you're done!

Tacos front door mat DIY

You might want to use a protective poly spray but I didn't.

make a fun front door mat

Just make sure to give your painted doormat a few days to dry completely before you start stepping on it!

Please feel free to PIN THIS IMAGE!

fun and easy DIY door mat

I asked some blogging friends to share their DIY doormats with you, and they didn't disappoint!

Here are several more ideas to inspire you to create something unique at your front door!

DIY door mat ideas
(used with permission)

The sky is really the limit! I love how no two doormats are alike.

What would your DIY door mat say?

bringing beauty to the ordinary,

Sharing with: French Country Cottage


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