Patriotic Cottage Vignette With Flags and Fresh Blooms

Decorating a patriotic cottage vignette with vintage white furniture, fresh garden blooms, and multiple types of flags for a homey slice of Americana.

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Welcome to May's Pinterest Challenge! We are a group of decor loving bloggers, who get together once a month to share our version of an inspiration image from Pinterest. Thanks to Cindy of County Road 407 for always coming up with such great inspirational challenges! I just love all her ideas for decorating with mini flags!

I honestly thought I'd have to sit this challenge out because we're (at the time of this writing in early May) halfway through packing up our home in preparation for a move out of state. Wondering why and where we're moving? Find out here.

When Cindy let us know the challenge this month was to decorate with flag(s), I was thrilled because I hadn't packed my flags or patriotic decor yet!

I literally threw together this Texas-sized cottage patriotic vignette in minutes! It's full and crowded and I've added as many items as I could find and fit into this vignette. Hey, it's my last chance to Go Big or Go Home in our Texas home! We are literally moving out at the end of the week!

In the midst of all the chaos and packing and mess and stress of moving, setting up this patriotic cottage vignette was good for my soul - if you're a creative, you will understand!

So let me show you the inspiration image and then I'll share some tips for decorating a patriotic vignette with cottage Americana.

Inspiration image

The inspiration image (unknown source on Pinterest) comes from Edith and Evelyn and the items I pulled from this photo challenge to create my patriotic vignette were:

  • white furniture with a cottage-y feel
  • wood elements
  • that giant flag
  • industrial elements

How to decorate a cottage patriotic flag vignette

Luckily we hadn't packed any furniture yet, and I gravitated towards the table in our front entrance because it was about the only area in our home not cluttered with boxes or piles.

I decorated my vignette around the white entry table. There's also a white cottage style mirror, and I pulled up a white painted chair and a chippy white wood tote to give extra oomph to this patriotic vignette.

I didn't have one large, dramatic flag, but I did have several smaller ones and I think using them all together makes a big impact, similar to that in the inspiration image.

I draped an outdoor flag bunting across the mirror, and tucked another one into the chippy white wood tote.

I used blue gingham and red gingham pillows to help emphasize the patriotic theme. These pillows do double and triple duty in my home because they're not theme-specific! Gingham is a classic staple that can work for all the seasons and it feels quintessentially cottage!

There's a blue and white floral quilt thrown over the chair. I love a touch of floral when I'm emphasizing cottage style in decorating!

Unexpected elements include the blue and white floral dishes and the antique ironstone pitchers, neutral pieces that help carry the cottage theme. 

My wood floors, our wood front door, the wood table top and the wicker basket bring those wood tones to the vignette. I love how the wood tones play against the cottage whites, giving the scene a timeless feel.

I added all my flags, including the drop cloth flag banner I made and my shabby denim and lace fabric scrap flag with button stars.

I tucked some small flags into a galvanized caddy with glass jars. Something like this would also work perfectly! I love how the touch of industrial works with the rest of the elements! It keeps this vignette from feeling too sweet.

And I can't neglect to mention the little handmade popsicle stick and pasta flag magnet made by one of my boys years and years ago! It's so sweet 💓

Finally, I went into the yard and clipped red geraniums, white camellia and star jasmine, as well as a single purple bloom of allium. The allium reminds me of fireworks, with its exploding blooms!

I tucked the fresh blooms into more antique ironstone pitchers, I love how the patina and the crazing adds a vintage feel to my cottage vignette.

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I hope these ideas inspire you! Let's see what the rest of the team came up with. Please visit the blog links below, starting with Kristin at White Arrows Home.

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  1. Hi Cindy, Okay you had me at the gingham pillow ( I have one just like it) and I remembered I wanted to add flags to little vases or "boxes." Love this so much! Pinning shortly! Adding you to my feedly feed too! One of my goals is to follow the entire group! xo laura in Colorado

    1. Thank you Laura, always happy to inspire! Gingham is one of my favorites!!

  2. Cindy you are absolutely amazing! I would have never had been able to create a vignette half as pretty during a move. I wish you the very best in Tennessee!

    1. Gosh Laura, thank you so much! I was pretty excited to get to decorate something after all the packing!!

  3. Your flowers look amazing and wow what a great patriotic vignette! It would take me days to come up with something maybe half this cute. Wishing you the best on your move and hope you get settled quickly! Hugs!

    1. Aww thanks Michelle! I guess I was just so excited to ditch the packing and decorate something haha! Thanks for the positive thoughts!

  4. Your vignette is lovely. Best wishes on your move this week.

  5. A girl after my own heart. After packing and dealing with all that, it would be a lovely respite to create a red, white and blue vignette too. And wowza, yours is fantastic! I love the plates, the quilt, the draped flag, pitchers, etc. I have the same pitcher you have with the cracks. And I learned a new word today - crazing! Had to look that up. LOL. Thanks for participating. You are a blessing. Praying for y'all! pinned

    1. Thanks so much Cindy, your comments always brighten my day! I dropped that pitcher the day I bought it and glued it together!

  6. How do you do this in the middle of a move. I love the flowers and the pillow and the amazing ways you used flags. Congrats on the move and good luck.

    1. Weirdly enough Marty, it was just what I needed! Thank you so much.

  7. Cindy, this is gorgeous! I am in awe of you...creating this in the midst of a move! You are so talented and creative! Best wishes for a smooth transition! xo

    1. You're very sweet Lynne, thank you! So happy to have you on the team!

  8. Oh, Cindy! I hope this is a good move; I'm sorry I didn't know sooner. If you have time, dig up your agapanthus (the big bloomer!) and take it with you to your new home. Redig it up from your new home before the first freeze and store for winter. Mine did great this year inside our new shed! I will read your post about the move. <3

    Totally loving what you've thrown together!!! Bravo!! Happy moving/boxing!!! My MIL is still unboxing a little everyday. <3

    Happy Memorial Day and have a safe drive,
    Big hugs,
    Barb :)

    1. Thanks so much Barbara! Yes, they're called agapanthus, I couldn't remember lol! Great tips!

  9. Cindy, your flag vignette is so cute. Every element is so well thought out. Love the drop cloth flag! You did an amazing job considering that you are packing to move. Good luck, by the way.

    1. Thanks so much Carol! A little decorating was just what I needed 😉


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