Peach Heaven - the Perfect Summer Dessert!

Juicy fresh peaches are paired with toasted almonds, drizzled with warm honey and served over vanilla ice cream for a refreshingly simple summer dessert that tastes divine.
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Hello hello my sweet friends! I hope you're enjoying your summer and the days are stretching out long and lazy!

It's peach season and it's also time for Pinterest Challenge hosted by my friend Cindy at County Road 407. We are excited to bring you our BEST peach recipes! You'll find them all below. 

If you're hopping over from Amber at Follow the Yellow Brick Home, welcome! Amber's gluten free crock pot peaches sound delish and healthy! I'm Cindy, a Canadian by birth living down south...and we just moved to Mississippi (that's actually quite fun to type, haha) from Texas! A big move with a lot of changes. You can find out more about me, my family, and our journey here.

Peaches really are the taste of summer and there are so many ways to enjoy them. I can never get enough fresh peaches! It's one of the things I craved throughout each of my pregnancies. Maybe part of it is because we had a huge peach tree in my yard when I was young. Growing up in Kelowna, BC in the Okanagan Valley in Canada (sadly home to many of the wildfires you hear about every summer!), you might be surprised to hear that we were spoiled with amazing fruit! Most people think Canada is too cold to grow anything and I'm here to debunk that myth! I have never had bigger or better produce and fruit than we grew in BC! The peaches got huge and oh my, there is nothing quite like a warm ripe peach fresh off the tree...juice dribbling down your chin! If you're a peach lover like me, I know you get it 🍑💕

So I was super excited to hear about this month's challenge - a peach dessert. Cindy picked this delectable inspiration image for us. It's from an article from organic facts that talks about all the healthy benefits and nutritional facts about peaches!

Inspiration image

Yum, right? Are you drooling yet?

The recipe I'm sharing today was actually invented by my mom as a way to use up some of the abundant peaches we harvested every year. This is after she canned, froze, dried and stocked our freezer with pies! Have you ever tried a peach slice that has been dried with no preservatives or artificial anything added except maybe a little lemon juice? It is SO good - chewy, sweet and tart like candy!

Our family calls this simple dessert Peach Heaven because it tastes like a little bit of heaven, it is just that delicious.

It really isn't a recipe per se, but I'll walk you through the steps regardless.

How to make Peach Heaven


  • 3-4 fresh, ripe peaches
  • 1 package blanched slivered almonds (sliced would work just as well)
  • honey
  • vanilla bean ice cream (not pictured because I didn't want it to melt!)

Let's make some Peach Heaven!

Step 1: Toast almonds
I've been buying the bag of slivered almonds from Aldi because it's such a good price! Just toss the bag of almonds into an empty skillet over medium high heat.

Toast the almonds, stirring frequently, until they're light brown and fragrant. You'll hear the almonds start to pop and crackle and turn light brown. Make sure you watch them though, because they will burn on you quickly! Ask me how I know that 😕

Step 2: Prep peaches
You can remove the peach skins if you want to. Sometimes the skin comes off easily, other times you need to help it a little. Dip peaches in a bowl of boiling water, then immediately remove them to an ice bath. The skins will peel right off! I know this process has a name but my mind is blank! Someone help me out in the comments! Is it blanching?

I actually like the slight crunch of the peach skins (and I know that most of the nutrients are contained there), so I always leave the skins on, but it's up to you and what your family prefers.

Cut peaches
Cut up peaches into bite sized chunks and add to a bowl.

Step 3: Heat honey
If you have a plastic honey bottle like me, remove the lid first. Heat in microwave for about 10-12 seconds (it doesn't take long to warm it!) 

Please be cautious when heating honey in the microwave! You don't want to heat it to boiling and scald yourself. A few seconds at a time is all it takes to warm the honey

Everything's prepped so let's put this dessert together!

Assemble bowls of peach heaven

Scoop vanilla ice cream into bowls (do you love my peach bowls? I found them on sale for 50% off at Hobby Lobby, along with the tea towel)

Add peaches and almonds to ice cream, and drizzle the hot honey over the top.

That's it! Dessert is served. Peach heaven in my mouth!

This is such a simple yet delicious dessert to serve on a hot summer evening! The toasted almonds add a nice crunch, the peaches are juicy and the honey sticks to the cold ice cream. Heaven in your mouth!

Serve your dessert on a cute vintage inspired tray like this thrifted silver tray I painted and antiqued with chalk paint years ago. I've used it all over my house!


Are you excited to make this peach dessert? I hope so because it's been a recipe our family has looked forward to making every peach season for over 30 years and we enjoy it as often as we can every summer!

Here's a tip for purchasing peaches

We've all bought 'woody' peaches that have no flavor and a dry texture! To ensure your peaches will be juicy and tasty, put your hand inside a plastic produce bag, pick up a peach and smell it. If it smells like a peach (smells sweet), that means it's going to taste like one! If it smells like nothing, don't waste your money! Yes, I'm the weird lady at Kroger smelling the produce 😃

Pin it to remember 🍑

Looking for more peach desserts? Cindy at Country Road 407 is next. Her 2 ingredient peach sherbet sounds easy and so refreshing for all those of us melting in this heat wave! Make sure to check out the full line up of delicious peach desserts, drinks and more below!

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  1. Cindy,
    I can't wait to try this yummy sounding recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  2. HI Cindy this looks so yummy! laura

  3. I think what I love the most about this recipe is that it's from your mom! How fun to have such. We made up a few things but nothing worth writing down. Actually, not worth making a second time! ;) Not kidding. I'm looking forward to trying this and I'm extra glad that I have a bag of already toasted almonds in the pantry! Thanks for the extra tips too. I had no clue and now I'll be the weird lady at Kroger putting one peach at a time in a bag and smelling!

    1. I'm so glad for the memories! I actually thought my younger bro had invented it and had to asked him but he corrected me :) Haha, yep - we'll see ourselves on a video some day!! Those Krazy Kroeger ladies!

  4. Mmmm. This looks so good, Cindy. I love the idea of toasted almonds and warm honey. Delish! Pinned!

  5. This wounds wonderfully easy and deliciously yummy! Love the crunch of toasted almonds with it!

  6. This looks so delcioius and easy that I'll think I'll make some tongith! We have our second big box of peaches sitting on the counter right now, begging to be used!
    Niky @ The House on Silverado

    1. Yay, I hope your family enjoys it as much as we do! Let me know!

  7. Okay... this is like having strawberries, chocolate, peanuts over vanilla ice cream... only the peach way! LOVE THIS! I'm going to try this... on low carb ice cream. My mom will love it, and we have all the ingredients... except the ice cream... *runs to the store*. Pinned!

  8. I'm usually the weird lady smelling the cantaloupes LOL! Your peach heaven dessert sounds absolutely perfect Cindy! Pinning of course!

    1. Haha, I'll be looking for you in the produce aisle Michelle!

  9. Oh yum I bet this would be great over yogurt too!

  10. Cindy, it's wonderful to used recipes passed down from those we love. This recipe looks so easy. P.S. I've been to Kelowna. PINNED.

    1. Thank you, yes I enjoy using recipes that were passed down! Oh cool, isn't Kelowna beautiful?

  11. Cindy, this looks so delicious! I love that you're sharing your mom's recipe. I am heading to the Farmer's Market this weekend for peaches and will be making this! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Yum! This looks so delicious my friend! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Cindy, what a perfectly easy dish to make! When I bought the peaches for my recipe, I was amazed at how delicious they were. Around here, peaches that delicious don't last a day in our household! :)

    Thank you for this easy-to-make peach heaven recipe! I hope you are settling in nicely in your new home.

    Barb :)

    1. Thanks Barb, yes we are! I don't always get good, sweet peaches, so glad you got yummy ones!

  14. With 4th of July coming up quickly, what a fantastic dessert to serve! Can’t wait to give it a try!

    1. Thank you, it's perfect for a crowd! Don't miss my fresh peach pie recipe too 😉


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