Decorating with Flags and Vintage Dishes

Add patriotic style and Americana charm for the summer by tucking a few flags in with the vintage dishes in your hutch or cabinet for an easy and striking arrangement!
flags, milk glass, demijohn, wicker, vintage ironstone

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Hi there friend! Whether you like vintage style or you prefer modern (or anything in between!), pair a few flags with your dishes to add interest and charm.

Pinterest Challenge

Welcome to Pinterest Challenge! We are a group of friends who hang out together once a month and decorate based off of one inspiration image, provided by Cindy of County Road 407. It's always fun to see the variety of styles and it's a great way to show you (very helpful if you're a visual person) how to decorate your own home even if you have different items or taste!

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If you hopped over here from Cindy's casual and festive July4th tablescape, a special welcome to you! I enjoy Cindy's style so much! I'm Cindy too, so don't get confused 😉 I have a passion for decorating (which usually involves moving things around that I already own!), crafting for the seasons and sharing it all with you here.

If you love my style, let's be friends! You can sign up for my newsletter HERE so you never miss a project. And don't forget to visit my YouTube channel!


This month our inspiration comes from Liz Marie's Simple Summer Patriotic Decor. Liz lives in a big, rambling farmhouse with her handy hubby and sweet little boy. Her taste and style is farmhouse at its finest and she always creates the most beautiful vignettes with real antique furniture that makes me swoon! In fact, if you're in the Michigan area, you must visit her brick and mortar store, The Found Cottage.

wicker demijohn, vintage flags, pine cabinet

Here are my takeaways from this image and what I plan to incorporate into my own summertime flag vignette:

  • large piece of vintage pine furniture
  • different sized flags
  • wicker demijohn bottles
  • vintage vibe

After I show you how I decorated a similar spot in my home, you'll be able to see all the variety from the team. The clickable links are further down the page.

How to decorate with flags and vintage dishes

I've had a love affair with vintage dishes for many years! I've collected them from around the country (because we've lived all over the USA, read more about our family's journey HERE).

In fact, when we were packing up our Texas home last summer to move to Tennessee (and eventually ended up just south of the border in Mississippi), I had Mr DIY help me pack all my ironstone and dishes because he's just better at it! I thought he was going to force me to sell half of my collection when the boxes started stacking up! To his credit, he might have rolled his eyes a bit (or a lot, lol) but with his help we packed about 16 small boxes filled with my thrifted treasures! That's true love ❤❤❤ and I'm blessed to have such an accommodating husband!

We don't really eat off of the vintage dishes, they are purely decorative. I know that many of you won't get that, but a few of you might! There is just something about the stacks of creamy white dishes, some with cracks and crazing, some discolored, that just make me smile! They bring to mind an earlier, simpler time and evoke feelings of nostalgia. Wouldn't it be fun to know some of the stories behind the antique pieces?

The two hutches in my dining room are filled up with collected and thrifted dishes. Most of the dishes are white but I have several blue and white pieces too.

As soon as I saw Liz Marie's image, with that gorgeous large furniture piece in the background, I knew I needed to use my primitive pine hutch (that we bought in TX) to decorate my vintage dishes and flags.

pine hutch, ironstone dishes, flags

Here's my little decorating secret...are ya ready?

Whether you decorate with vintage dishes or not, white dishes are such a great staple because they go with literally everything! I keep the white ironstone dishes stacked in this cabinet year round. When I want to decorate for the seasons, it's so easy to just tuck in a few seasonal colors and elements to change the look!


Just a couple of blue and white vintage dishes, a blue striped napkin and the flags added that charming vintage Americana vibe to my hutch!

vintage inspired flag in milk glass vase

I own one true vintage wicker wrapped demijohn bottle, as well as THIS glass bottle with reed weave (currently on sale!). To make my display, I added a wood vase from Hobby Lobby that I already owned, and a couple of vintage milk glass vases. This combination worked beautifully to showcase a variety of flags and brought so much texture to the vignette!

The little primitive style flag is just a cheapie that I grungy-ed up with coffee and cinnamon. You can watch me prim these flags HERE (make sure your sound is on as I talk you through the video tutorial!)

flags in vintage vases

When I open the doors of my hutch, there's a little ledge that's perfect for displaying items. I like this look from close up, but after standing back, the bottles and flags blocked the bottom shelf of vintage dishes, so I moved the flags to the top of the hutch.

vintage dishes, flags, ruffles, pine cabinet

I also experimented with adding the flags to the tabletop and I think I liked that best.

Designer tip: move ideas around to see which placement you prefer

flag vignette with wicker and white vases

I used a variety of different size flags that I had at home, and even tucked in one of my DIY primitive scrap fabric flags that I made earlier in the month.

vintage dishes, white basket, red geraniums, flags, ruffles

I love using the doors of the hutch to display pretty linens, and here I've hung one of the ruffled flour sack towels I recently made. The gorgeous long ruffles, with a bit of tattered texture, look so charming in the display.

I've been on a vintage kick lately, and really love how this little corner of my dining room came together! This was literally a 15-minute set up! It took longer for me to take and edit the pictures than to create this easy vignette!

white ironstone stacks, pine hutch, vintage pitchers, flags

Do you love to collect and decorate with vintage dishes? Laura of Decor to Adore is next and I'm sure you'll love seeing her white lace and linen flag decor. Be sure to visit the full lineup below.

Click here to see all my patriotic summer ideas

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pine hutch, vintage dishes, flags

Pinterest Challenge Team Ideas
Summer Flag Decor

bringing beauty to the ordinary,


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  1. I love your ccmbo of vintage dishes and flags! They just go so well together, don't they? Beautiful display, Cindy!

  2. Cindy I am drooling over your glorious hutch. I too am a big believer in stacks of beautiful white dishes.

    1. Thank you Laura! So fun to hop with you again 😉

  3. Hi Cindy, Love that hutch and the decor looks amazing! It's funny how we go through decor phases! Great job! laura

    1. Thanks Laura! Yes, it is, although I don't ever see myself embracing a modern, minimalist style, haha

  4. Cindy, I LOVE how you've decorated your hutch, and yes... It took probably about as many boxes to get all of our dishes packed into our storage units and four years later into our current Texas house, lol! (Hubby and my daughter did most of the heavy lifting. ;) Gramma helped me unpack, bless her heart!) Soooo pretty!!!

    I love how you've tucked in the flags then moved them around! I do do that in my china hutch and in our corner-round cabinet, which houses most of my teacups and nicknacks. Love the look you've created with the milk glass vases and demijohn (I forgot that that is what those jugs are called).

    Happy 4th to you and your family!!!!
    Barb :)

    1. Thanks Barb, sure glad I'm not the only one with a dish obsession LOL!

  5. Your patriotic decor is so beautiful. I love every single detail. It is all so pretty. Happy Fourth of July, almost.

    1. Thanks so much Renee, I sure appreciate that! Yes, happy 4th!

  6. I love, love, love your hutch and all those amazing dishes are perfect. You have them displayed in such a creative display. I like the flags on the top and the table too. Both are perfect.

  7. How fun to have an old pine hutch to decorate too! Love all of your ideas and your take on the challenge. It turned out amazing! Stay cool friend. I am thinking Mississippi gets super hot too. LOL, I love typing out your state. Reminds me of 3rd grade and how I thought I was so smart to remember the spelling of that. Ha!

    1. Thanks Cindy, I love this hutch from Texas! Yes, we get hot but not quite as hot as you guys! I can't type Mississippi without chanting the little ditty I learn in school too Lol!

  8. Your decor looks so pretty, Cindy. I love all your white dishes in your hutch!

  9. You picked the perfect piece of furniture to decorate with or without our challenge! I love your patriotic display and you wicker demijohns. I hope to add to mine someday. Happy 4th!

  10. I always love to see how you style your hutches, Cindy! You stack and display all your vintage lovelies so perfectly. Can't say I own a demijohn; lucky you had 1! So festive!

    1. Thanks Lora! I cannot resist ironstone stacks 😉

  11. Beautiful Cindy, you sure have a great collection of vintage dishes and the flags add so much charm to your space.

  12. That comment was from Wendy @wmdesignhouse

  13. Cute Ideas Cindy. I'm sharing a link on my Sunday, Dirt road Adventures.

  14. I always enjoy looking at your home, Cindy. And I LOVE those woven vases! Just so lovely! (And all the dishes, too!) You did a great job!

  15. Wow, beautiful. I love your 4th of July holiday design. Everything looks so beautiful. Thanks for sharing


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