Decoupage Easter Egg Topiary Tree

Craft eggs are decoupaged to make an Easter egg topiary tree. Full step by step tutorial included.

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Easter is just around the corner! Sunny days give me the urge to create, and this sweet Easter egg topiary tree is not only adorable, it's easy to make! Keep reading and I'll show you exactly what you'll need, and just how to do it.

I was recently gifted some products from Dixie Belle, and one of them that I was very excited to use was their  distressed damask rice paper. Rice paper is used for decoupage, and unlike napkins, there is only one ply, so nothing to separate or remove, it's ready to go! There are many similar options on  Amazon.

What is rice paper?

Rice paper is a great alternative to napkins for decoupage because the paper is much stronger. It's made from white rice flour, tapioca flour, water and salt. The sheets are thin and translucent and adapt well to most surfaces with the use of a decoupage glue. You can use Mod Podge or Dixie Belle's Clear Coat product.

How and why to seal decoupage projects?

Simply brush on a coat of the decoupage medium you are using to the top of your project to seal and protect it. This protective layer not only seals the colors in, but it makes the item more durable and longer lasting.

How to make an Easter egg tree topiary

Making new Spring and Easter decor doesn't have to be difficult or expensive! Let's reimagine a  Dollar Tree foam craft cone as an Easter egg tree! Read on for the full tutorial.

Always check your local craft stores, as well as Walmart, for the best prices! Amazon links are included here for your convenience.


* please note that I used some eggs that I had previously painted and speckled. You can see how to do that here.

Decoupaging craft eggs

It's best to use paper that has smaller designs that are easy to cut out. Trim the design, brush on a little decoupage medium to the egg and gently place the design on top. Brush top of design with a thin layer of decoupage medium. You can see this illustrated below.

Wrinkles are a normal part of decoupage when you apply something flat to something round. If you're not okay with that imperfection, you might choose to just paint your craft eggs.

Building the tree

Once all the eggs are completely dry, it's time to assemble the Easter egg tree. Heat up your glue gun and be sure to have plenty of additional glue sticks handy.

I started on the bottom of my cone shape, and hot glued eggs all around the base. Add a generous amount of hot glue to each egg.

Continue your way around the cone, building the egg tree row by row. Don't forget to hot glue an egg to the very top of the cone.

Fill in any holes with a little bit of green moss, or you could even use excelsior for more of a neutral look. I tried both and here's how the Easter egg tree looks with excelsior. The colors are softer, but the excelsior is a little harder to control than moss!

Easter egg tree with blue eggs, excelsior, footed bowl


Tips for success:

  • mix eggs as I did, don't feel you need to decoupage all the eggs
  • purchase extra eggs, especially if your cone is larger than mine
  • add a design to just one side of the egg, as only one side will really be visible
  • use designs and colors that will compliment your decor
  • be sure to vary the angle of the eggs, to fit them all on the cone and to add interest to the tree
  • you could also use a variety of sizes of eggs for a unique look
  • hold each egg in place until the glue sets

Your cone will be much bigger than it was originally! Just take a look at this before and after.

Ideas for displaying tree

I used a little excelsior in a footed white bowl and set the tree on top. This gives it the look of a topiary with very little effort! You could also use a flower pot or other ceramic vessel. 

Creating a Spring or Easter vignette with this DIY Easter egg topiary is easy. Just add a few drop cloth DIY carrots, bunnies and faux Spring flowers.

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Here are more DIY topiaries you can make:

bringing beauty to the ordinary,

Disclosure: I used items gifted to me by Dixie Belle. My opinions, as always, remain my own


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  1. So cute! I loved that you used various shades of blue. You have inspired me.

  2. Love this I can’t wait to make one! Love your ideas.

    1. Thanks Lynette, I appreciate that! Would love to see how your Easter egg tree turns out!

  3. Adore this idea! I need to get my Easter stuff out! pinned

  4. Such a cute craft for Spring! I'm actually planning on doing something similar in a few weeks!! Great minds think alike!

  5. I love this idea! I was trying to come up with some kind of unique spring topiary for my mantel and I love this idea! I hope you will come over to Follow the Yellow Brick Home and link up at Thursday Favorite Things , I'd love to feature you next week :)

  6. Your Easter egg topiary is SO adorable! You're making me crave Easter and spring even more now!

  7. Hi Cindy - These topiary trees are adorable. I love the colors of blue you selected for a cohesive look. The pattern on some of the eggs is also lovely. Pinned!

  8. This is just BEAUTIFUL! It's soft and elegant, farmhouse and shabby chic, all at the same time! I need to to make one NOW!

    1. Thank you Tess, I feel the same way about it! So happy to inspire you xx


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