The Easiest DIY Tulip Wreath for Spring

Update a greenery wreath for Spring with faux tulips, for a no or low commitment timesaving DIY wreath that will brighten your front door!
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Wreaths are a lot like pillows - you can never have too many....until...well, until you have too many!

If you love seasonal decor but, like me, find yourself out of storage space, this easy tulip wreath is a great solution! Read on and I'll show you how to make a temporary Spring wreath!

Hey friend, welcome! We are no strangers to a good budget-friendly DIY wreath over here, here are a few of our favorites:

Saving money by making your own wreaths is a low-cost way to great seasonal decor, and it doesn't have to be difficult! Especially when we're talking about seasonal decor that is only on display for a short time.

Today is Pinterest Challenge day! A whole team of us is showing you how to make a tulip wreath, so you're in for a lot of inspiration. Thanks to my funny and friendly buddy Cindy of County Road 407 for hosting this monthly challenge. Want to catch up on past challenges? Click HERE.

Pinterest Challenge

If you're new here, or hopped over from the talented Christy at Our Southern Home, first of all welcome! Christy's Spring tulip basket is so cute! The way this works is Cindy picks an inspiration idea from Pinterest and then we all put our own spin on it. Sometimes money is involved, but it's not required, and most of us try to use what we already have around the house.

Let's jump right in with the inspiration image, which comes from Kristy at Chatfield Court. Wow, right! Kristy's stunning front door tulip wreath is amazing. She used 13 bunches of pink tulips that she found for a crazy amazing deal of only $2/bunch! She has a great trick of attaching the tulips to the wreath form that uses no glue or wire, click the link above to read all about it.

The Easiest DIY Tulip Wreath for Spring

I would have loved to make a wreath entirely out of tulips as Kristy did; however, I don't have the space to store yet another wreath (Mr DIY would enthusiastically agree 😉). I did spot bunches of tulips for only $1.99 at Michaels this week, so that would be an affordable way to go if you have the space and want a really full tulip wreath without taking out a second mortgage! 

My tulip wreath is temporary for Spring. It satisfies my need for that seasonal pop of Spring color with pretty pink tulips, and it's so easy to do, and so easy to un-do!

Start with a base

Last year I made a jumbo sized boxwood wreath using a piece of grapevine and several sprigs of boxwood that I wired into the wreath form. In fact, I shared my oversized boxwood wreath for a different Pinterest Challenge!

You might want to try that, or you can use any greenery wreath that you might already own. Below you can see a normal, store-bought 14" wreath on the right as well as my DIY oversized boxwood wreath. It's a biggie and I love using it on my 9-foot front door because it makes a statement! However, either one would work!

Here's what I used to make my easy and fast tulip wreath. These faux tulips are from Amazon, and so lifelike! I have them in three different colors. You get 30 tulips, which is plenty of tulips to decorate with!


Make tulip bundles

To make my temporary tulip wreath for  Spring, I simply wired small bunches of tulips to the existing greenery wreath. I used bundles of 3 tulips, and green floral wire that virtually disappears.

I tried using larger bundles of tulips, but it was more difficult to get them to stay in place. Three seemed to be the magic number!

The back of the wreath shows the placement of the tulip stems. Each bundle of tulips needed to be wired in a couple of places to hold them securely to the wreath.

I had my handmade Spring wreath put together in just a few minutes and hung it up on the antique chippy window above my coffee bar.

I opted  to attach 4 sets of 3 tulips along the bottom and sides, leaving the bow area free of flowers. You could certainly wire in another few tulips if you wanted to. 

Please visit my talented friend Michelle of Thistle Key Lane next, to see her beautiful  Spring tulip wreath centerpiece. And be sure to visit all the links below to see more Spring wreath inspiration 🌷

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  1. This is such a darling wreath. I loved the soft greens paired with the tulips.

    1. Thank you Laura, I'm excited to see all the variations!!

  2. Love how you added the tulips in small bunches around the wreath. So beautiful and your tulips are fabulous. Such a pretty wreath.

  3. This looks amazing, Cindy! I love how you can repurpose so many different parts of this wreath. Our attic is TINY so it's hard to store a lot of extra seasonal decorations year after year. This feels like being able to have the best of both worlds though. It's gorgeous! Hugs, CoCo

    1. Thanks CoCo, I'm having to be intentional about what I keep and yes this is the best of both worlds!

  4. Your wreath turned out so pretty, Cindy! I love to repurpose what I have, too. Here's to an early spring!

    1. Thank you Kim! Spring has already spring here in MS 😉

  5. Great quick seasonal accent idea, Cindy!

  6. Updating a wreath is so smart Cindy! I just love the pop of the dark pink tulips with the greenery! Looks so pretty displayed on your window frame too!

  7. The deeper colors are so soothing and look beautiful together! Love it! Glad you could make it this month. Great inspiration!

    1. Thanks Cindy, all the wreath ideas are so beautiful and unique!

  8. Cindy, I LOVE your spring wreath. It is perfect for your coffee bar. The color of the tulips is so pretty. I really like the way you scattered bundles of them which caused you to use fewer tulips. Such a great idea!

  9. Oh, how pretty, Cindy! I love the way you spaced the tulips around the wreath. It came together beautifully!

  10. What a great way to get a lot of bang for your buck with this wreath, Cindy. Boxwood wreaths are great for changing out for different seasons. The pink color really pops against the green. Showcasing the wreath on the vintage window is a great idea.

  11. This spring tulip wreath is AMAZING... and looks real! Those tulips were a really good find! So well done.


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